Home CSR Social Activity

In order to provide the world with products trusted by our customers, continuous relations of harmony with local communities is indispensible. To that end, we believe that that we must be a necessary presence for local communities and meet demands upon us as an international company. We strive every day to increase our corporate value and reinforce our foundation for doing business on a global scale.

Our Social Activity

CSR 2018 Jatiwangi Village Development

Toyo Denso Indonesia help the funding for Jatiwangi Village Development. The event was held at Taman Limo (Limo Park) on 2018.

CSR 2017 Funding Jatiwangi Village

President of Toyo Denso Indonesia attends village visit and CSR 2017 funding handover ceremony for Jatiwangi Village development on 2017.

CSR 2015 Activity

Toyo Denso Indonesia was invited to participate on Jatiwangi Education Center opening ceremony at Jatiwangi Village as an invited guest on 2015.